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last update : 14.07.2009

The author of this website cannot become liable and does not take any resposibilities of any damages caused by the use of informations or software published on this website.



129789 100MBit NIC PCI gMA light, Type4

129781 100MBit NIC PCI gMA FS, Type 4

129752 100MBit NIC PCI gMA Ultra Light

129725 Ethernet Card 10MBit, Type 1

129763 Ethernet Card 10MBit, Type 2

129764 Ethernet Card 10MBit, Type 3

S/N 1-175

S/N 176-355

S/N 356-489


As replacement for discontinued NICs please use
129786 100MBit Upgrade Kit w/o RAM

129780 100MBit Upgrad Kit with 256MB RAM

129786 100MBit Upgrade Kit w/o RAM

129648 1GBit NIC PCI gMA FS, Type5
FS S/N ≥1142;RPU S/N ≥121;  UL S/N ≥682

129641 1GBit NIC PCI gMA light, Type6
 light S/N ≥947

For detailed informations see Hardware changes